Message communication through pictorial codes and empirical evidence in dual code theory, ''from the perspective of the cognitive linguistics school''


  • Nwzad anwer omer Department of Kurdish Language Faculty of education-koya University1 Author
  • Shno aula hamadamin Department of Kurdish language Faculty of Education- Raparin University Author



One of the modern linguistic school, nowadays widely will use as " cognitive linguistics " It is very applicable school for depend on for collecting update information , for knowing depending on human senses .it contains many complete theories.all theories will work in the same thing as mentioned , like a family members together complete the work, they collaborate the same thing, also they differ in many features , but they like in some features, they contain the same school, in it have many theories they works up one linguistic one of the well known" daul coding theory".This theory will work completely work up one linguistic subjects like education tests .a theory wants to convey a message way two different codes , as oral code and an oral code , oral code consists of writing and conversation but an oral code as picture, the two codes together do the work , the theories can success in scope education and learning, way many factors, away testing theories they have dedicated for education filieds.


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How to Cite

omer, Nwzad anwer, and Shno aula hamadamin , trans. 2024. “Message Communication through Pictorial Codes and Empirical Evidence in Dual Code Theory, ’’from the Perspective of the Cognitive Linguistics school’’”. Twejer Journal 7 (1): 89-120.