The impact of the Crusades on the cultural and scientific aspects of Europeans and Muslims
Crusades, culture, science, Europeans, Muslims.Abstract
Even though these conflicts were practiced to take wealth and money from the east and to support the Byzantium Emperor to not be collapsed by the Muslims from one side, and from the other side, it was aimed to protect the Christians in the East and taking control over the sacred places of Christians, but they left great archeological sites regarding science and information about the warriors. Europeans could get advantages from these archeological sites to understand the intellectuality of the eastern societies. This was beneficial to enrich European communities through these faking these findings to Europe.
On the side of the East and Muslims, the results of the war are divided into two categories. From one perspective, the Churches army attacked the Muslim’ lands, and this caused huge collapse on the civilized terms. Since they collapsed many scientific organizations, and Muslims documentations. However, these destructions did not stop the Muslims from giving up on learning and enriching their scientific knowledge. They continued on documenting the science they have and even continued on scientific explorations to find new things. These attacks motivated Muslims to try harder to gain more than they had, rather than being disappointed. These attacks were key factors to aware the Muslims in the East.

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