Personification in Allegoric Poems of Zayneb Xan


  • Baraat Ismael FaqeAbdulla English Department, College of Education, Salahaddin University-Erbil Author



Personification, allegory, poems, Zayneb Xan


Humans are unique creatures because they uniquely use language to express themselves and affect others. Figurative language is one of the ways that they use to show their uniqueness. Personification is a figure of speech that means giving human characteristics to objects, animals, and abstract ideas. The study aims to clarify the reasons for using personification as a figure of speech in Zayneb Xan’s poems. The main objective of this study is to demystify the poems of this famous Kurdish female writer by indulging in her poems and decoding the allegorical personifications. Because of her allegorical poems, she can affect the readers in a way that they feel her emotions in the poems. She was a strong and creative writer who used poems to show her national identity. The researcher uses qualitative and quantitative content analysis. The research data are poems that can’t be analyzed by using machines because they need human feelings and emotions. On the other hand, the chart in the methodology section shows the results of the content analysis in percentages to show more accuracy in the results. The study concludes that most of the poems contain many personifications because she criticizes government and people implicitly for political and religious reasons.


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How to Cite

FaqeAbdulla, Baraat Ismael , trans. 2024. “Personification in Allegoric Poems of Zayneb Xan”. Twejer Journal 7 (1): 1240-58.