The process of vowel harmony in Kurdish language in the framework of Autosegmental phonology


  • Raz Aziz Ahmed Kurdish Department, College of Basic Education, University of Raparin Author
  • Sherwan Hussein Hamad Kurdish Department, College of Basic Education, University of Raparin Author



Phonological process, vowel harmony, autosegmental phonology


This study discusses the vowels harmony in Kurdish language. Vowel harmony like assimilation process is a very common process in most languages of the world. This process is studied by most phonological theories, such as generative phonology, autosegmental phonology as well as optimality theory. We examine this process from the perspective of autosegmental phonology in this paper. Therefore, we can say that the aim of this study is to investigate the process of vowel harmony in Kurdish language from the perspective of autosegmental phonology. The methodology of this study is to analyze the content of the articles and collect the data with appropriate samples.
Autosegmental theory is one of the theories in the field of phonology and was first emerged by Goldsmith as an independent field of generative phonology. In 1976, along with the study of rhyme languages, he introduced autosegmental phonology and then it was published in tonal languages. This theory is actually a field or part of production phonology.


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How to Cite

Ahmed, Raz Aziz, and Sherwan Hussein Hamad , trans. 2024. “The Process of Vowel Harmony in Kurdish Language in the Framework of Autosegmental Phonology”. Twejer Journal 7 (1): 29-62.