The effectiveness of a learning-learning program based on intelligent learning in obtaining geographical knowledge The school is the eighth grade


  • Solav Feaq Mohammed Department of kindergarten, Collage of Basic Education, Sulemany Univeristy Author
  • Abdulla Karim Amin Department of Social Sciences, Collage of Basic Education, Sulemany Univeristy Author
  • Mryam Mhamad Rostam Department of Social Sciences, Collage of Basic Education, Sulemany Univeristy Author


کلمات کلیدی:

a learning-learning program, active learning, geography.


The main purpose of this research is to know "the effect of a learning-learning program on the basics of active learning on the principle of active learning by obtaining geographical subjects Eighth-grade students " the method used in the type of experience method used the research needs that find themselves in the two programs between a program special to teachers, two of them A program for students, which includes many general concepts such as scientific subjects, teaching plans, objectives, weapons, teaching strategies, educational environments. Also, the research tool which is preparing to test by obtaining the geographical subject slugs that will be opened in 51 questions prepared and based on (51) behavioral goals Which is prepared in a way that especially the command of each one is (the definition of the hand, the distinction of the hand, the implementation of the knife)


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ارجاع به مقاله

Mohammed, Solav Feaq, Abdulla Karim Amin, and Mryam Mhamad Rostam , trans. 2024. “The Effectiveness of a Learning-Learning Program Based on Intelligent Learning in Obtaining Geographical Knowledge The School Is the Eighth Grade”. Twejer Journal 7 (1): 871-90.