The implementation of pronouns and the Violation of the grammatical standard in Abdul Karim al-Jili’s Alnnadirat Aleiniat fi Albadirat Alghibia


  • hishyar zeki Hassan Department of Arabic, Koya University Author
  • mahdiy husen mohemmad Department of Arabic, Koya University Author


کلیلە وشەکان:

Ocular rarities. Abdul Karim Al-Jili, Sufi poem. Stylistics. Poetry analysis.


The paper provides a stylistic investigation of Abdul Karim al-Jili’s poem Alnnadirat Aleiniat fi Albadirat Alghibia. The poem is a Sufi poem that consists of 534 lines. It is one of the most important Sufi texts; it contains almost all the Sufi philosophies and behavioral practices. The research aims to uncover the creative aspect of language in terms of exclusivity, privacy and treatment. The study will discuss two aspects only:

1- The implementation of pronouns between the standard and stylistic violation  

2- Text displacement and the Violation of the grammatical standard

This approach is used to reveal the text displacement through examining the internal components of the text in order to show its implications.


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Original Articles

How to Cite

Hassan, hishyar zeki, and mahdiy husen mohemmad , trans. 2024. “The Implementation of Pronouns and the Violation of the Grammatical Standard in Abdul Karim Al-Jili’s Alnnadirat Aleiniat Fi Albadirat Alghibia”. Twejer Journal 3 (3): 521-52.