The fact of mental health among students in the faculty of education in the light of some variables: a comparative study


  • Nasraddin Ebrahim mhammad General Psychology, Faculty of Education, University of Zakho Author
  • Jehan Hussein Omar General Psychology, Faculty of Education, University of Zakho Author



mental health, faculty of education, comparative study.


The aim of study aimed to identify the fact of mental health among students in the faculty of education in the light of studies' variables and the statistical hypotheses concerning the significant differences between its levels among them in the study. The population of the research consists of (326) students in both general psychology and physical education in the university of Zakho in the Iraqi-Kurdistan region, which (83) of them have been selected randomly. The researchers used Goldberg questionnaire include of (60) items. The results of the research showed that members of research's sample suffer from psychological disorders as a sign of low level in mental health; also there is no statistical significant differences among them according to the variables of gender, scientific department, number of family members, students' parent's life, and family's economic situation. The results also showed that there is a statistical significant difference among them according to the variable of stage of study


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Original Articles

How to Cite

mhammad, Nasraddin Ebrahim, and Jehan Hussein Omar , trans. 2019. “The Fact of Mental Health Among Students in the Faculty of Education in the Light of Some Variables: A Comparative Study”. Twejer Journal 2 (4): 1131-74.