The role of YouTube in children's second language learning and development


  • Dashty Ali Rashid Garmian University Author
  • Arya Yasin Abdullah Garmian University Author



YouTube, learning, second language, children


The study aims at realizing the significance and role of
YouTube in both learning and developing a second language by
children, and displaying how the using of a specific second
language could affect the use of native (first) language by children
in Garmian area, Kalar district. To draw the hypotheses, the study
adopts the analytical method with surveying doctrine accompanied
by a questionnaire form holding some important questions which
answered by randomly elected 60 parents from the area .
The study assumes that there is a serious role of YouTube
in the process of learning a second language, especially English, by
children since the mostly watching videos are in English language,
and it shows that the daily repeated needs are called in English by
children such as colors, foods, fruits, numbers, and other tools.
Further, the study affirms that second language learning through
YouTube would


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How to Cite

Rashid, Dashty Ali, and Arya Yasin Abdullah , trans. 2024. “The Role of YouTube in children’s Second Language Learning and Development”. Twejer Journal 5 (4): 7-42.