Students' Perspectives Towards the most Effective Methods in Learning English Language among Kurdish People


  • Sarwan Sedeeq Hasan English Department, Faculty of Arts, Soran University Author
  • Mokhles Saleh Ibrahim English Department, Faculty of Education, Soran University Author


الكلمات المفتاحية:

learning English, Language, best methods, grammar-based approach, communicative approach, Kurdish learners.


This paper aims to shed light on the most challenging points in the process of learning the English Language in Kurdistan classes. It also attempts to find the most effective and best methods for learning the Language among Kurdish learners. The data was taken from two workshops and a questionnaire; the workshops took place in both Soran and Tishk international universities; 20 different methods were presented in the workshops as the best methods for learning the English Language. The questionnaire included 15 close-ended and 4 open-ended questions. Qualitative and quantitative methods are used for the analytic process. The main result in the study is visual and audio methods such as movies, songs, programs, videos, and any similar types are the best and most effective tools for learning the English Language. Besides, the grammatical based approached should be changed to a communicative approach in the classes by adding different communicative tools.


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Original Articles

كيفية الاقتباس

Hasan, Sarwan Sedeeq, و Mokhles Saleh Ibrahim. 2024. "Students’ Perspectives Towards the Most Effective Methods in Learning English Language Among Kurdish People". Twejer Journal 3 (3): 1075-1116.