History of the Kurdsh Independment Movement and its Motion Rangen Magazine (1987-2003)


  • Saman Hussein Ahmed Social Science Dept, College of Basic Education, Sulaimani University Author
  • Faraydoon Abdulrahim Abdullah Social Science Dept, College of Basic Education, Salahaddin University Author




 (Rangin) general political monthly magazine issued by the Publishing House of the Kurdish culture and the Ministry of culture and the media in Baghdad since November 1987 – January 2003 took care of yours magazine – libertarian movement in Kurdish and the press and organizational struggle and national sections alkurdistan, and has published numerous topics in this field (domain) as well as the magazine has addressed historical documents, which were published in a collection of documents occurring from each book.

And about the libertarian movement in Kurdish in southern Kurdistan didn't offer the magazine only those issues or topics related to date for the phase or the reign of the Baath party who was Governor at the time, and then offered the topics related to the stage of the monarchy, including movement of Shaykh Mahmud grandchild and has taken the magazine. The same path with respect to press and organizational struggle, while she took the other sections to Kurdistan and Eastern Kurdistan, Northern and especially since the magazine dealt with the Kurdish national struggle in those sections to that point, because this deal is because the system relationship governance in Iraq in that period with the two systems.


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How to Cite

Ahmed, Saman Hussein, and Faraydoon Abdulrahim Abdullah , trans. 2019. “History of the Kurdsh Independment Movement and Its Motion Rangen Magazine (1987-2003)”. Twejer Journal 2 (4): 55-92. https://doi.org/10.31918/.