Acquisition of words and terms according to language planning


  • Nawzad Anwar Omer Faculty of Education, Koya University Author
  • Khoshnaw Aziz Hamadamin College of Basic Education, Raparin University Author



Terminology, Borrowing, Reason, Language planning, Terminology planning, Words and Terms.


This research is related to the terminology field. It deals with borrowing words and terms from other languages ​​to Kurdish language, the reasons, the principles, the methods, and the types according to the point of view of language planning. In fact, the process of –borrowing- exists in all the other languages and it is not specified to Kurdish Language only. Because it is difficult to find a remote nation, without social, business, geographical, civil, and… etc. relations, in order to have an isolated language far from the influence of global languages and neighbor languages. Moreover, the increasing of concepts and connotations is the result of the progress and development of life which requires many words and terms in various fields. Thus, the purpose of this study is to include the importance of planning in the process of borrowing words and terms into Kurdish Language within the language planning to improve and progress Kurdish language and enable the speakers to have access to this new knowledge and science in the process of globalization.


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How to Cite

Omer, Nawzad Anwar, and Khoshnaw Aziz Hamadamin , trans. 2024. “Acquisition of Words and Terms According to Language Planning”. Twejer Journal 5 (4): 77-141.