Teprivation of language New Dimensions of the Postcolonial Novel in Conquest of Darkness


  • Yadgar Lateef Sharazwry College of Language, Salahaddin University Author




Although the colonial era is over, and despite the independence of the colonized countries and peoples from the yoke of direct military occupation and the injustice of direct mandate, the imperialist practice has not ended, but rather a new form of imperial practice has emerged that can be called the local colonialism that appeared after the independence of the nation states Which in turn persecuted the peoples and minorities that live with them, prevented the language of those peoples and minorities, and suppressed their culture and privacy.

Global imperialism sought to extend its hegemony through literature, especially the fictional art that Western colonialism effectively employed in its project, and in extending its hegemony over the colonized peoples. From this point of view, the novel (The Occupation of Darkness) was chosen by the Kurdish novelist (Bakhtiar Ali).


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How to Cite

Sharazwry, Yadgar Lateef , trans. 2024. “Teprivation of Language New Dimensions of the Postcolonial Novel in Conquest of Darkness”. Twejer Journal 5 (4): 179-212. https://doi.org/10.31918/jpcsvf76.