Image Design Processes - Weekly Bas sample


  • Dler Ahmad Hama Media Techniques Department, College of Technical Management, Erbil Polytechnic University Author



 This research is tagged as (Image Design Processes / Weekly Bas sample) an attempt to illustrate the steps of the design of the journalistic image accompanying the press articles published in Weekly Bas.

  The results of the research were carried out according to the descriptive analytical method in the random selection method. The following numbers were taken: from January to the end of June 2018.

  212 photo were analyzedabout: the image is valid for publication, image site ,Image type, image shape, image size, and caption. The study consisted of three chapters: The first chapter dealt with the methodological framework of the research, and in the second chapter we discussed the image and its design.We devoted the final chapter to analyzing the image design procedures in the research sample

  In conclusion, the research reached a number of results, including that the image of the press in a week characterized by an appropriate design of the shape and place of focus on the shape of the rectangle, a form that gives beauty and appeal to the reader. About the (Caption), the research found that the weekly Bas was not successful.


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Original Articles

ارجاع به مقاله

Hama, Dler Ahmad , trans. 2019. “Image Design Processes - Weekly Bas Sample”. Twejer Journal 2 (4): 753-82.