Minister Badr al-Jamalis contributions to the restoration of the Fatimid state (455-487 H / 1063-1094A


  • Halliz Antar walle Social sciences Department, College of basic education, Salahaddin University Author
  • Mahde Qadir Hedrk Social sciences Department, College of basic education, Salahaddin University Author



It is well known that the history of the Fatimid state is a unique model if it is to be expressed in Islamic history, where it was never repeated at all. It was of a distinct political and civilizational nature. The Fatimids remained for a short period during the first half of the 5thA-H/11th century A-D. The Islamic world, arrived at the early rule of Mustansir to the maximum extent of the patch, but soon after it was reduced, it was necessary to have a savior extracted from successive crises, to end the chaos that spread, the Caliph al-Arman hopes to restore the prestige of the Fatimid rule on a known Armenian commander Badr al-Jamali is the focus of the story Of research is marked, where he began his reforms in Egypt totally dependent on his men for security in the country ravaged by strife and calamities and crises, and it was selected research entitled (( Minister Badr al-Jamalis contributions to the restoration of the Fatimid state (455-487 H / 1063-1094A)).


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walle, Halliz Antar, and Mahde Qadir Hedrk , trans. 2019. “Minister Badr Al-Jamalis Contributions to the Restoration of the Fatimid State (455-487 H 1063-1094A”. Twejer Journal 2 (4): 1063-96.