Reuse of Materials in Contemporary Sculpture


  • Soran Sahed Osman Department of Design, faculty of Arts, Salaheddin University Author
  • Sangar Qadir Shikh Mohammed Department of Kurdish, collage of language, Salaheddin University Author


کلمات کلیدی:

Reuse of materials, art, sculpture, contemporary.


This research is entitled (Reuse of Materials in Contemporary Sculpture). Contemporary art was born after World War II in a complex political and economic environment that changed the world the most. These rapid changes changed the meaning and direction of art to such an extent that the viewer was no longer just a recipient but often became an integral part of the work. Wars and crises played the biggest role in the emergence of this trend, which caused people's thoughts, feelings, and beliefs to be separated from the rapid and unstable progress that came over the world in this century and which acquired a new language for the expression of events.


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Original Articles

ارجاع به مقاله

Osman, Soran Sahed, and Sangar Qadir Shikh Mohammed , trans. 2024. “Reuse of Materials in Contemporary Sculpture”. Twejer Journal 7 (1): 765-88.