The Reality of legal Human Rights: A Field Study Conducted in Erbil City


  • Asrin Zrar Qader Department of Sociology, College of Arts, Salahaddin University- Erbil, Kurdistan Region- Iraq Author
  • Salim Ptros Elias Department of Sociology, College of Arts, Salahaddin University- Erbil, Kurdistan Region- Iraq Author


کلیلە وشەکان:

Law, Equality, Justice, Human Rights, freedom.


Because the important of law in keeping human rights the this research has devoted to this subject, it also aims to explain the legal condition of human rights in Kurdistan region on the basis of social contract theory of John Locke about the role of law. This study aims to explain how existing laws in Kurdistan region are implemented and how keep a commitment to basic human rights in a way that is guaranteed in the laws. To achieve these goals quantitative method has been used)25( person who are experts in law and human rights were structured interviewed, they were drawn purposively in Erbil, the collected data was analyzed by using thematic analysis. In general the results refer to that the human rights are not preserved in Kurdistan region due to some reasons such as : executive authority doesn't comply with human right principles while laws are implemented because political intervention in judicial authority and legal institution. This in result hurts human rights in general and specifically violation take place against


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How to Cite

Qader, Asrin Zrar, and Salim Ptros Elias , trans. 2019. “The Reality of Legal Human Rights: A Field Study Conducted in Erbil City”. Twejer Journal 2 (4): 547-608.