The Judiciary post in Bindnijin town (Mandaly) in the 5-7H / 11-13AD centuries


  • CHRA MAHMOOD HASSAN Social sciences Department, College of Basic Education, University of sulaimani Author



The judiciary position is considered one of the important achievement in the Islamic civilization in the past in general, and in Kurdistan in particular. Bindnijin plays a great role in this respect as a sample of the other Kurdistan towns and cities in which a number of scientists, scholars, jurists, and writers handled this post not only in their own hometowns but also in Baghdad the capital of the Islamic world at that time, they even managed to handle or take the post of the chief judge (minster of justice in the present).

This research includes three sections, the first section is about the terminology and the geographic position of Bindnijin.

The second part is dedicated to the judiciary position in the town in 11-13 century, first the characteristics of this post is discussed, then researchers talk about those who took this post. The third part discusses the position of judge (aladul). In this  part a definition of the post is given as well as the duties of judge and the way this post is held. It also deals with the main figures who took this position, the main problems and challenges that face the judges and the institution in addition to the punishment imposed on the criminals.


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Original Articles

How to Cite

HASSAN, CHRA MAHMOOD , trans. 2019. “The Judiciary Post in Bindnijin Town (Mandaly) in the 5-7H 11-13AD Centuries”. Twejer Journal 2 (4): 609-52.