Students' Opinions Regarding the Academic Staff at Koya University (Students in Faculty of Education)


  • Hardi Zyad Saleh Department of Philosophy, College of Arts, Salahaddin University- Erbil Author



The objective of this study is to highlight the satisfaction of Koya University students with "teachers, how to give lectures and how to evaluate them". One of the approaches used in this research is the Social Survey. The study population consisted students of the morning study (2, 3, and 4) in the faculties of education. The sample size and sample (cluster sample) is 150 students and this number equals 15% of the study population. The method of "consistency of internal consistency" was used and the consistency of the questionnaire is (0.915). In general, the results of the research showed that the students were satisfied with the results. There were also no statistically significant differences among the sample according to all variables for their satisfaction with the teachers of the University of Koya.


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Original Articles

How to Cite

Saleh, Hardi Zyad , trans. 2019. “Students’ Opinions Regarding the Academic Staff at Koya University (Students in Faculty of Education)”. Twejer Journal 2 (4): 703-52.