" Religious Character and its position on the other – a study in the Iraqi novel from 2003 to 2016"


  • Salar Adullah Ahmed Department of Arabic, College of Education-Shaqlawa, Salahaddin University-Erbil Author
  • Samir Sabry Shaba Department of Arabic, College of Education-Shaqlawa, Salahaddin University-Erbil Author



کلیلە وشەکان:

(Character, Attitude, The Ego, The Other)


This study, entitled " Religious Character and its position on the other – a study in the Iraqi novel from 2003 to 2016", examines the attitudes of the religious Character towards other people who are different from him in religion, dogma, thoughts, and doctrine. This study comprises an introduction, two parts, and a conclusion.

The introduction explains the concept of person, personality and religious Character in language, sociology, psychology and the art of novel. The first part examines "The Acceptance Attitude" which can be seen in the co-existence and the trans-sectarian humans' relationships. The second part has been designated to the study of "The Rejection Attitude” which constitutes the patterns of difference. The two parts are followed by a conclusion that contains the researcher's most important findings.


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Original Articles

How to Cite

Ahmed, Salar Adullah, and Samir Sabry Shaba , trans. 2019. “‘ Religious Character and Its Position on the Other – a Study in the Iraqi Novel from 2003 to 2016’”. Twejer Journal 2 (4): 829-74. https://doi.org/10.31918/.