Measuring the quality of life Among University staffs in Erbil (Constructing and Application )


  • Dasko Yunis Ismail Department of Special Education, College of Education, Salahuddin University - Erbil Author
  • Shawbo Shamsaldeen Sulayman Department of Educational Psychological Counseling, College of Education, Salahuddin University - Erbil Author
  • Shawaf Mohammad Mustafa Department of Kurdish language, College of Education, University of Duhok Author


کلیلە وشەکان:

Building scale - Feeling the quality of life - University staff - Measurement


The current research aimed to build a measure of the quality of life of university staff in Erbil governorate and to know the levels of this concept as well as to know the significance of differences between them according to sex, administrative position and years of service. In order to achieve this goal, the researchers defined the concept of quality of life and its behavioral components. The number of these components was finalized from (11) behavioral components, and 54 final clauses were constructed to measure the quality of life formulated in the form of verbal positions. The first measures the sense of quality of life significantly, the second measures the sense of quality of life to a moderate degree, the third measures the quality of life with a low degree and gives them a score of (3), (2) and (1) respectively when corrected. Add (11) duplicate paragraphs of the scale by one paragraph for each component to reveal the accuracy of the respondent and serious In his answeris of variance, 


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Original Articles

How to Cite

Ismail, Dasko Yunis, Shawbo Shamsaldeen Sulayman, and Shawaf Mohammad Mustafa , trans. 2019. “Measuring the Quality of Life Among University Staffs in Erbil (Constructing and Application )”. Twejer Journal 2 (4): 1175-1224.