هەڵسەنگاندنی ڕەخنەی فەرهەنگە ئینگلیزی-کوردییەکان لە ڕوانگەی بوگاردزەوە


  • شیرزاد سعید صدیق بەشی زمانی كوردی، فاكەڵتیی پەروەردە، زانكۆی سۆران Author
  • شنە أبوبكر أحمد بەشی زمانی كوردی، فاكەڵتیی ئاداب، زانكۆی سۆران Author



کلیلە وشەکان:

the user, dictionary format, Bogaards'criteria: findibility, comprehensibility and usability


Dictionary evaluation is one of the scientific principles of improving dictionaries. The main purpose of dictionary evaluation is to convey information to the user and identify the strengths and weaknesses of dictionaries for consideration in subsequent editions. This study evaluates the format of some general English-Kurdish bilingual dictionaries (online, offline and print) according to the principles of the theory of dictionary criticism. This paper explains some of the characteristics of dictionary criticism, the criteria of dictionary criticism, the patterns form of Bogaards' criticism and the criteria that have become the basis for evaluating dictionary (criteria: findibility, comprehensibility and usability). The data in this research is collected by questionnaires which survey methodology is implemented by returning to different users of bilingual dictionaries and presenting questionnaires to them. To achieve this, a number of users were distributed questionnaires, after answering the the questionnaire, the responces were analysed using SPSS 2022. The research population consists of speakers of Central Kurdish in Erbil, Sulaimani and Halabja provinces. The study reached several conclusions, the most important of which are that most users do not have a high level of satisfaction with the dictionaries they had used, and they recorded a low arithmetic mean according to the criteria of Bogaards' Criticism.


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Original Articles

How to Cite

صدیق شیرزاد سعید, and أحمد شنە أبوبكر , trans. 2024. “هەڵسەنگاندنی ڕەخنەی فەرهەنگە ئینگلیزی-کوردییەکان لە ڕوانگەی بوگاردزەوە”. Twejer Journal 7 (1): 1-28. https://doi.org/10.31918/twejer.2471.01.