Analyzing and measuring the impact of conflicts on the economies of the Middle East countries for the period (1990-2018), Iraq as a model


  • Elham Waheed Daham Faculty of Law, Political Science and Management Author


کلیلە وشەکان:

conflicts, impacts, Middle East region, economic growth .


This research aims to identify the negative and positive effects of conflicts and clarify the effects that conflicts have had on economic and social development, as the most important hypothesis of the research is to verify the negative and positive effects of conflicts on the gross domestic product of the Middle East countries that witnessed the conflicts. And verify the extent of the role that individuals, groups, institutions, or the state play in the development process in all its aspects. The research followed the analytical and standard approach to verify the proof or denial of the assumptions. Then the research came out with results, the most important of which are the results of the statistically significant factor, "Investment as a percentage of the Gross Domestic Product", a negative impact on the GDP at constant prices of the US dollar in (2015), and then the most important recommendations were to increase investments among the most important priorities in Eastern countries. In order to increase economic growth rates and create new job opportunities, and to achieve this, it is necessary to transfer spending from unproductive uses to investment.


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Original Articles

How to Cite

Daham, Elham Waheed , trans. 2024. “Analyzing and Measuring the Impact of Conflicts on the Economies of the Middle East Countries for the Period (1990-2018), Iraq As a Model”. Twejer Journal 3 (3): 739-78.