Geo-economic analysis for selecting the best site for economic development in the Ruste River watershed (using GIS


  • Omar Hassan Hussein Department of Geography, faculty of Arts, Soran University Author
  • Ziba Ali Hassan Department of Geography, faculty of Arts, Soran University Author


الكلمات المفتاحية:

Geo-analysis, Economics, Ruste River, GIS.


The ability of natural geography contains the geographical places, the surfaces of earth, climate, water resources, the surface of plants. And the significance of it will be changed according to the places. And it will be changed according to its activities. The Abilities of natural geography affect the irrigation process and the economic activities such as (agriculture, tourism, industry and it helps researchs, that is why it is true. And because of the vital model ( the best place for selecting it in Arc Gis program we prepared a research about it. In this research we indicated the Significant of the abilities of natural geography and its effects of choosing the best place for economical activities (agricultural and tourism) and that is our main purpose in this research. Also by using the analytical methods for data for the purpose of selecting the levels of the rivers, and also this research relayed on the new technical tools, different data, and at the end it reached the best place for developing agriculture is Ruste River, it means that river takes the first best place for developing agriculture and takes the second place for developing industry and takes the third place for tourism.


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Original Articles

كيفية الاقتباس

Hussein , Omar Hassan, و Ziba Ali Hassan. 2024. "Geo-Economic Analysis for Selecting the Best Site for Economic Development in the Ruste River Watershed (using GIS". Twejer Journal 7 (1): 251-63.