The effect of overlapping the two exercise styles accompanied by scheduling the distributed random practice for learning and retention on the technical performance of the discus throw


  • Brwa Hussein Muhammad Amin Physical Education, Faculty of education, Soran University Author
  • Muayad Abdul Rahman Hadith Physical Education, Faculty of education, Soran University Author



Overlapping exercise styles - Practice scheduling methods-retention test-Technical performance test for discus throwing.


The educational process, in its modern sense, aims to involve the student in the vocabulary of its curricula and in its practical applications, and to give him the opportunity to participate in making teaching decisions according to Muston’s methods, and to contribute to teaching behavioral decisions from the minimum to the maximum, and to have better access to effective teaching, as well as developing methods. Learning exercises are organized and scheduled to suit the learners’ abilities, and their objectives are consistent with the objectives of the chosen teaching methods.
In order to address the problem, the researchers resorted to organizing rest periods between practice periods using random exercise and interfering with distributed exercise for the purpose of arriving at the best appropriate rest suitable for athletics events by choosing the best overlap between groups and using performance evaluation tests to find out the effect of the interaction between the educational method and the exercise method


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Original Articles

How to Cite

Muhammad Amin, Brwa Hussein, and Muayad Abdul Rahman Hadith , trans. 2024. “The Effect of Overlapping the Two Exercise Styles Accompanied by Scheduling the Distributed Random Practice for Learning and Retention on the Technical Performance of the Discus Throw”. Twejer Journal 7 (1): 1068-1108.