The Role of edication programs on conformation the striotype of kurdish women


  • Media Ibrahim Fattah Sociology department, Faculty of Arts, Soran University Author



The purpose of this research is to examine the role of education program on conformation of the traditional image on Kurdish women. We used continent analysis method for data analyzing and the research community is all of text books for essential study phase. It has been concluding from this research first, the images about females are less than that one’s about males, and second, the field of work, employment and social role of women are determined by a number of traditional roles like house keeping and school teaching. That is why this image would be continuously work to the favor of the big image of the old traditional image of gender division of the role in the society.     


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Original Articles

ارجاع به مقاله

Fattah, Media Ibrahim , trans. 2019. “The Role of Edication Programs on Conformation the Striotype of Kurdish Women”. Twejer Journal 2 (4): 1225-63.