The role of ideology in the marginalization of the Kurdish language in East Kurdistan: Reading Gabor according to Louis Althusser's critical concepts


  • Mazhar Ibrahimi no affiliation Author


کلمات کلیدی:

Kurdish Language, East Kurdistan, Gabor's Novel, Ideology, Repressive and Ideological Institutions of the State, Subject.


The purpose of this article is to look at the issue of language in East Kurdistan and the power of ideology in subjecting the Kurdish individual in relation to his mother tongue. For this purpose, the novel Gabor by Qadir Hidayati will be read according to the critical concepts of the famous French thinker Louis Althusser. The results of the research explain that the regime has tried to promote this concept through ideological institutions in order to achieve its policies and goals in order to marginalize the Kurdish language. The main institutions of state cooperation in this regard are the family and school. The two main characters of Gabor's novel, as two rebellious linguist subjects, are attacked by obedient subjects along with direct and indirect violence of the state because they do not submit to the imposed ideology and face many obstacles in learning and reading Kurdish texts. It should be noted that although the oppressed subjects are influenced by the dominant ideology and some of them unwittingly undermine the policies of the regime, their fear of the violent reaction of the repressive institutions is another reason for such hostile attitudes and behaviors.


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ارجاع به مقاله

Ibrahimi, Mazhar , trans. 2024. “The Role of Ideology in the Marginalization of the Kurdish Language in East Kurdistan: Reading Gabor According to Louis Althusser’s Critical Concepts”. Twejer Journal 5 (4): 143-78.