Role of Human Resource Governance in strengthen Organizational Trust An Analytical Study of the Opinion of a sample of the faculty members in Salahaddin University of Erbil- Iraq


  • Tablo Jamal Khdir College of Administration & Economics, Salahaddin University Author
  • Muzafer Hamad Ali College of Administration & Economics, Salahaddin University Author


کلیلە وشەکان:

Human resource governance, organizational trust.


The research aimed at analyzing the relationship and impact of human resources governance in enhancing organizational trust, which raised several questions about the nature of the correlation, impact and contrast between the independent variable (human resource governance) and the dependent variable (organizational trust). The main and sub-variables were described, as well as to analyze the relationships and influence between the variables. The research represented the faculties of Salah al-Din University, Erbil, and they numbered (13). As for the individual respondents, they numbered (338) members of the teaching staff of the faculties of the study sample. The hypotheses were tested through a set of statistical analyzes and tests by the computer program (SPSS V.22).
The study reached a set of main conclusions, including the results of the correlation analysis revealing the existence of positive, high-level moral relationships between human resources governance and organizational trust at the macro and micro levels. The study proposed a set of proposals, the most important of which are: the necessity of encouraging the university to apply laws to all faculty members transparently.


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Original Articles

How to Cite

Khdir, Tablo Jamal, and Muzafer Hamad Ali , trans. 2024. “Role of Human Resource Governance in Strengthen Organizational Trust An Analytical Study of the Opinion of a Sample of the Faculty Members in Salahaddin University of Erbil- Iraq”. Twejer Journal 7 (1): 1011-35.